// About Sharon //
Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you enjoy my stories as much as I enjoy writing them!
Just a little bit about me:
I'm originally from Toledo, Ohio, but I now reside in North Carolina with my husband, son, a Basset-Lab mix (think black Lab with six-inch Basset legs), and three incredibly intelligent cats. We'll soon be adding a Great Dane to the mix. We have a small house. It's a bit crowded.
I'm a born animal lover, so my stories will almost always have furred or feathered characters along with the human versions. There may also be something slimy or scaly thrown in.
Most importantly, I hope my stories bring you closer to God, to give you a better understanding of your relationship with Him and what He wants from you. Know that no matter who you are or what you've done, He loves you and wants the best for you. The closer you are to Him, the closer He'll be to you.
Thanks again for reading my work! I'd love to hear from you! Click over to the contact page to send me a message.